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Dungeons And Dragons: The Book Of Vile Darkness (2012) BRRip 600MB

Dungeons And Dragons: The Book Of Vile Darkness (2012) BRRip 600MB
Two thousand years ago, Nhagruul the Foul, a sorcerer who reveled in corrupting the innocent and the spread of despair, neared the end of his mortal days and was dismayed. Consumed by hatred for the living, Nhagruul sold his soul to the demon Lords of the abyss so that his malign spirit would survive. In an excruciating ritual, Nhagrulls skin was flayed into pages, his bones hammered into a cover, and his diseased blood became the ink to pen a book most vile. All those exposed to the book were driven to madness or so corrupted by the wicked knowledge contained within that they had no choice but to turn evil. Misery and bloodshed followed the disciples of Nhagruul as they spread their Masters dark dream. Creatures vile and depraved rose from every pit and unclean barrow to partake in the fever of destruction. The cities and kingdoms of Karkoth were consumed by this plague of evil until an order of warriors arose from the ashes. The Knights of the New Sun swore an oath to resurrect hope in the land. The purity of their hearts was so great that Pelor, the God of Light, gave the Knights powerful amulets with which to channel his power. Transcendent with divine might, the Knights of the New Sun pierced the shadow that had darkened the land for twelve hundred years and cast it asunder. But not all were awed by their glory. The disciples of Nhagruul disassembled the book and bribed three greedy souls to hide the pieces until they could be retrieved. The ink was discovered and destroyed but, despite years of searching, the cover and pages were never found. Peace ruled the land for centuries and the Knights got lost in the light of their own glory. As memory of the awful events faded so did the power of servants of Pelor. They unwittingly abandoned themselves in the incorrect belief that the Book of Vile Darkness could never again be made whole.
[FORMAT]:………………………….:[ Matroska
[GENRE]:………………………… .:[ Fantasy
[FILE SIZE]:……………………….:[ 600 MB
[NO OF CDs]:……………………….:[ 1
[RESOLUTION]:………………………:[ 1280×720
[LANGUAGE ]:……………………….:[ English
[SUBTITLES]:……………………….:[ none
[RELEASE RUNTIME]:………………….:[ 1h 30min
[SOURCE]:…………:[ Dungeons.And.Dragons.The.Book.Of.Vile.Darkness.2012.720p.BluRay.x264-MAGiCAL
[iMDB RATING]:……………………..:[ 3.9/10
[Encoder]:…………………………:[ nItRo
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