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Jack Irish Bad Debts (2012) BRRip 675MB

Jack Irish Bad Debts (2012) BRRip 675MB
Jack Irish (Guy Pearce) is a man getting his life back together again. A former criminal lawyer whose world imploded, he now spends his days as a part-time investigator, debt collector, apprentice cabinet maker, punter and sometime lover – the complete man really. Jack is an expert in finding those who don’t want to be found – dead or alive. He helps out his mates while avoiding the past. That is until the past finds him. In Jack Irish: Bad Debts, a phone message from ex-client Danny McKillop (Simon Russell) doesn’t ring any bells for Jack Irish. Life is hard enough without having to dredge up old problems: his beloved football team has moved interstate, the odds on his latest plunge at the track seem far too long and he’s still cooking for one. But then Danny turns up dead and Jack has to take a walk back into a dark and dangerous past. The award-winning Jack Irish novels by Peter Temple have been acclaimed by critics; loved for their thrilling storylines, eclectic characters, underlying humour and most of all for being wonderfully quintessentially Australian.
[FORMAT]:………………………….:[ Matroska
[GENRE]:………………………… .:[ Crime | Drama | Mystery
[FILE SIZE]:……………………….:[ 675 MB
[NO OF CDs]:……………………….:[ 1
[RESOLUTION]:………………………:[ 1280×704
[LANGUAGE ]:……………………….:[ English
[SUBTITLES]:……………………….:[ Muxed
[RELEASE RUNTIME]:………………….:[ 1 hr 43 minutes
[SOURCE]:…………:[ Jack.Irish.Bad.Debts.2012.720p.BluRay.x264-TRiPS
[iMDB RATING]:……………………..:[ 6.7/10
[Encoder]:…………………………:[ nItRo
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